Tot Time Thursdays, 10am, January 13 – May 12 | Stations include large motor, pretend play, sensory, art, and baby zone. The early literacy skills of “sing, talk, write, read, and play” will be encouraged! Ages 0-4 welcome!






StoryTime Wednesdays, 10am, January 15 – May 14 | Stories, finger-plays, flannel boards, music, and more! Ages 0-4 and their caregivers.






Homeschool Hangout Wednesdays, 2:30pm, through May 14 | Enjoy free play in the Community Gym. Meet new friends, too! All ages welcome.







Wiggle, Giggle, & Shake Thursdays, 10am | Sing, dance, and play! Ages 0-4 and their caregivers.







GymTime Fridays, 10am, January 17 – May 16 | Free play with large motor equipment and toys in the Community Gym.







Lego Club Third Saturday of the month, 10am | Free build or participate in a fun challenge! All ages.







Read Across America Month! Celebrate all month long at the library! Pick a book at the front desk, participate in a Facebook Photo Challenge, complete a Bingo Sheet in the Kids Room and more!







Think Spring! Thursday, April 17, 4pm | Join us in the program room for spring themed activities, projects, and snacks!







Week of the Young Child Week of April 5-11 | Visit the front desk each day this week for a fun activity!








1,000 Moments 

April Calendar of Activities for 1,000 Moments challenge








Kids Resources (click to view)                                                 Kids Special Themed Reads (click to view)