The Minocqua Public Library appreciates the generosity of those who wish to donate gently used books and other materials; however due to lack of storage and display space, the library has revised the guidelines for donations. Please read our policy listing the guidelines before you bring in your items.
Acceptable materials:
• Fiction and non-fiction titles for children and adults (hardbacks, trade paperbacks and paperbacks) including recent titles (within 3 years of current date) and classics in excellent condition.
• Audiovisual items including DVDs, music CDs and books on CD, all in excellent condition.
• Magazines within one year of current date
Unacceptable materials:
• Books in poor condition (dirty, moldy, mildewed, stained, smoky, damaged, torn, yellowing pages, broken bindings, musty smelling, cover or pages missing, handwriting and/or highlighting, etc.)
• Textbooks and encyclopedias
• Audio cassettes / video cassettes
• Bibles
• Newspapers
• Vinyl records
• Reader’s Digest Condensed books
• Books discarded from other libraries
• Books from home or institution sales
Donated materials should be brought to the main desk during library hours. Please do not use book drops for donations.
Donations are tax deductible. If requested, the library will give the donor a receipt specifying the number of items donated with the understanding that the library does not assign monetary value to the donation.
Thank you for your donation and your support of the Minocqua Public Library. All proceeds benefit the library and its programs.
Approved January 22, 2018
Thank You for Your Donation!