MPL Mid Readers SummerTime
Events & activities for kids 11 through 14 years
Welcome to SummerTime for Mid Readers. School is out, no homework in sight, so it’s time for some good summer reading. We can help with your choices with lists (check our website) of mysteries, adventures, survival and coming of age stories, as well as fantasy and science fiction. Also, check out our growing collection of graphic novels and informational titles. Mark your calendars for the following events and activities. Of course, snacks are always included.
- Monday, June 18, 1pm. Enjoy and discuss the classic A Wrinkle in Time written by Madeline L’Engle. You’ll be hooked by the first sentence … “It was a dark and stormy night.” Pick up a copy of the book at the library before the 18th.
- Monday, June 25, 1pm. Gaming afternoon. Games for the Wii – NEW and old. Join friends & give them a try.
- Monday, July 23, 1pm. Flanagan Frenzy!!! Read the first in the Rangers Apprentice series – The Ruins of Gorlan by John Flanagan. Copies of the book will be available for readers beginning June 25.
- Monday, July 30, 1pm. Beading with Caitlin. Be creative, learn a new craft. Space is limited, so register beginning July 25.
- Monday, August 6, 1pm. Make It with Duct Tape!! Work with the colorful sticky stuff and be creative! Ice cream sundaes, too, to celebrate summer. Space is limited, so register beginning August 1.